
Monday, February 22, 2010

my weekend wish

Today is better than yesterday. Maybe it's because today is Tuesday, the second day of my working days. No rushing and my adrenaline is stable which means my mood is better, the people are not so grumpy , the bus driver let me in unlike yesterday, people are more considerate in giving way and the weather is definitely hot not humid. Hmmmm I always like Tuesdays anyway no matter what! That's why I always wish there were three days on weekends, from Saturday to Monday. Call me crazy but rest is a priority for most of people. We can't just work like a dog and deprive ourselves with fun and rest. But sometimes, this reality sinks deep in me. I should be glad that I have two days off, some people have only one, a few doesn't have at all. But right now or most of the times, I just want to wish for it. haha why not?

See, if I have a 3-day weekend that officially starts on Saturday, I could have more time for my self, for my bf and for my friends. After five days of work, I would like to rest on a Friday night so I could go to church on Saturday morning. I haven't been to church lately to renew my faith with God, haven't seen my church friends and I missed those lunches after church. So, I need that visit once again.

Saturday nights are usually the time I meet up with friends to catch up , to talk about the must-to-watch movies and just for plainly girlish things and men (too). I go out normally on a Saturday night mainly because most of the people who work till Friday night or Saturday are off on a Sunday. So there we are, we start with dinner then we head off somewhere for the night. Then after a few unnoticed series of drinking and talking, it's time to stump those itchy feet. Dancing is part of the night, is a must actually. We can have fun, unnoticeable especially if we're with friends. It's so much fun just by sitting and talking with our friends or dancing with them or dozing off in one corner when we exceeded our alcohol limit. Then at the end of the night, we can't just take it all . Our friends sneaked out tho some of them tried to say goodbye but because there's so much fun even me slipped out too.

Then, here comes Sunday. The official rest day,the day to lay our heads on a pillow for that throbbing pain, the day to rest our aching feet because of that irresistible beat. It's the official day to stay at home, ermmmmm in bed to be exact. Sometimes, we need that spa or massage to ease muscle tension or stress. So, there's still more to do. The house is a mess maybe because someone pissed the other night, the laundry needs to be put in the washing machine, the fridge is empty, my working clothes needs to be ironed; the house in general is totally in need of my attention. But, I'm still in bed. What can I do?

That is why Mondays are made, to do the things we missed to do since weekend started. It's the day for me to spend some time talking to my plant in the kitchen, for the laundry, for the dirty floor, for everything I should have done since weekend kicked off. And most especially, it's the time to just go out for a walk in the park and breathe some fresh air; watch nature and people (love it); and feed the fish and the birds. It's a bliss to experience nurture in nature like this. It's a good feeling to at least breathe an ounce of fresh air once a week.

*check *check *check

And it's time to lay down my head on that pillow once again. But this time, to fall asleep.
I don't have to worry if I missed something. I don't have to rush during my first day of work, sweating, grumbling and giving everybody a hard time.

BUT, reality is, I have only 2 and that makes everything different. :)